Fall is here, bringing cooler temps and crisp mornings. The larches are just starting to turn their gorgeous golden yellow on our rocky peaks. This time of year makes us love this beautiful valley even more.

- Burn Ban
- Bears
- Chipping event
- Preparing for plowing
News from Wilson Ranch
Just a reminder that the Okanogan County Burn Ban is still in effect until October 15th. Please refrain from all burning until the ban has been lifted.
Please note that we will have a contractor (the Yardener) at Wilson Ranch for some pruning and limbing projects around the lake and other common areas during the second week of October. Aaron Boley from Three Rivers Arbor care will follow up with chipping the debris and taking down a few trees around the community as well. Please leave any piles you want chipped by the main roads.
The bears are still here!
While our local black bear population is usually up in the hills eating berries to fatten up for the winter, this season has been a little different. The Cub and Cedar Creek fires decimated wildlife habitats last year, so bears have definitely changed their foraging habits. A few bears have remained around Wilson Ranch this summer and have been getting into a little trouble at the Freestone Inn lately. As always, be Bear Aware and keep any potential food sources (garbage, grills, bird feeders, etc.) indoors. It is in the best interest for the bears (and for us!) to prevent them getting used to humans as a consistent food source.

Be COW aware?
Many cows will be returning from their summer ranging and you may even see a few on the roads around Mazama and other valley communities. Drive safe out there!
Fall is a great time to prepare for winter plowing!
With snow potentially only a few months away, please consider preparing your homes for winter plowing. Set up your plowing markers around your driveways and be sure to keep all areas (including road shoulders and turnarounds) near the roadways clear for plowing.
Just a reminder that there is no off-street parking permitted at Wilson Ranch. Please remind your guests to use designated driveways only. The area near the recycling/garbage building is for permitted parking only and requires management approval.

Please contact Rachael Plemel or Marvin Sutton with any questions