Cheers to a happy and healthy 2023, from your friends and neighbors at Wilson Ranch!


  • Snow removal
  • Trail reminders
  • Shaping Mazama fundraiser
  • Activities Committee

Jack’s Hut has new hours! Sunday-Wednesday, 11:30am-7pm

Sandy Butte Bistro is now offering a Happy Hour menu from 5-8pm Thursday-Saturday. You’ll find some tasty new appetizers and some fun seasonal drink specials if you have time to stop by!

News from Wilson Ranch

Greetings from our snowy little mountain town! As I’m sure you’ve all noticed, the valley received a large amount of snow last month. Our snow removal partners Snowtime work day and night to keep our roads and driveways clear. But sometimes other factors can influence how quickly they can clear snow: blower operators call in sick, equipment breaks, and other things occur that are out of our control. Marvin and I will always do our best to quickly notify residents if there is any delay. But, please also communicate with your friends, family, and guests that there is a possibility that driveways will not be cleared until the afternoon if there has been heavy snowfall. We understand the frustration and difficulties that this may cause, but these are issues that the whole valley is dealing with at this time. As a reminder, please only park in designated driveways. Cars that stick out into the roadways or that park in pull-out areas can make plowing the roads difficult. Thank you all for your understanding and cooperation!

Let’s enjoy our trails together!

The nordic ski trails were in perfect condition this past week. There is nothing quite like skiing in the Methow Valley! We just wanted to use this as a chance to remind our residents and guests of a few items concerning trail etiquette and safety:

  1. No pets on the ski trails please
  2. Snow shoes are meant to be used on Snow Shoe trails only
  3. Please observe the 15 mph speed limit while driving at Wilson Ranch and always be on the lookout for skiers crossing the roadways
  4. No snow mobiles or other ATV vehicles are allowed on any part of Wilson Ranch Property

Shaping Mazama Fundraising Opportunity

The Mazama community has designed an Orientation Park at the Mazama rock, as well as improved trailhead parking. This plan has been in discussion since 2008, and incorporates input and views from Mazama residents and businesses. The goal is to create a welcoming place for visitors, an efficient town center, and a safe area for parking. Please consider donating to the project to help the vision come to life!

Three cheers for the newly formed Wilson Ranch Community Activities Committee!

The first official event is in the books for the Activities Committee! A good turn out of residents and their families met at Caroline Tareski’s house on New Years Eve for some beverages and some social time around a fire. What a great way to celebrate the New Year and get to know your neighbors! A future moonlight ski meet up is being planned as well. Details will be announced soon! 

If you are interested in joining the committee or just have some ideas for future events, please reach out to the committee chair, Frank Bosl.

Please contact Rachael Plemel or Marvin Sutton with any questions or concerns