- Wildfire preparedness
- Snow reminders
- Committee recruitment
- Board members
Big News!
New carabiners and hooks are being installed on the inner sliding door of the recycling center. After tomorrow it will be bear proof and entry will be limited to coded door access only. WasteWise has also been notified to be sure the door is completely shut after trash collection.
News from Wilson Ranch
The snow is back and the nordic trails are looking amazing! Even though it’s nice to have a few weeks of sunshine, it sure felt good to see snow clouds roll in to the valley. But even in the winter, we should still be thinking about wildfire preparedness.
The Okanogan Conservation District connected with various partners across Okanogan County to update the Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP) in 2024. This document was first developed in 2009, and was last updated in 2013. The CWPP is a vital document for the future of wildfire resiliency in Okanogan County. I was a part of this process and it was great to have our concerns be addressed.
What is a Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP)? The CWPP is a planning document that captures the collaborative process, values, and priorities of stakeholders who are working to prepare for wildfire. This process involves gathering community input, assessing data, and local decision making to prioritize and implement wildfire mitigation actions that can occur within 5-10 years.
Here is the new CWPP.
Let’s enjoy our trails together!
There is nothing quite like skiing in the Methow Valley! Here’s a quick reminder for our residents and guests concerning trail etiquette and safety:
- No pets on the ski trails please
- Snow shoes are meant to be used on Snow Shoe trails only
- Please observe the 15 mph speed limit while driving at Wilson Ranch and always be on the lookout for skiers crossing the roadways
- No snow mobiles or other ATV vehicles are allowed on any part of Wilson Ranch Property
- Please do not use the Freestone Inn parking lot as trailhead parking

Calling all volunteers!
Our committees need YOU! Please consider volunteering for a Wilson Ranch committee:
Water Committee
Design Review Committee
Lake Management Committee
Firewise Committee
Community Activities Committee
Committees only meet a few times a year but can have a huge impact on the community. Please reach out if you have any questions.
Speaking of volunteers, please welcome Len Henzke to the Board of Directors! Many thanks to Frank Bosl who served 3 years on the board and whose term expired at the end of 2024. Thank you both for your time and effort!
Snow Reminders
Our snow removal partners Snowtime work day and night to keep our roads and driveways clear. But sometimes other factors can influence how quickly they can clear snow: blower operators call in sick, equipment breaks, and other things occur that are out of our control.
I will do my best to quickly notify residents if there is any delay. But, please also communicate with your friends, family, and guests that there is a possibility that driveways will not be cleared until the afternoon if there has been heavy snowfall. It’s always good to think ahead and have a back-up plan. We understand the frustration and difficulties that this may cause, and we appreciate your patience as the entire valley digs out after a big storm.
As a reminder, please only park in designated driveways. Cars that stick out into the roadways or park in pull-out areas can make plowing the roads difficult. Thank you all for your understanding and cooperation!

Ask Me
William Stafford
Some time when the river is ice ask me
mistakes I have made. Ask me whether
what I have done is my life. Others
have come in their slow way into
my thought, and some have tried to help
or to hurt: ask me what difference
their strongest love or hate has made.
I will listen to what you say.
You and I can turn and look
at the silent river and wait. We know
the current is there, hidden; and there
are comings and goings from miles away
that hold the stillness exactly before us.
What the river says, that is what I say.
Please contact Rachael Plemel with any questions: